Call of Duty Black Ops SP+MP-nosTEAM

OS: Windows® Vista / XP / 7
Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom™ X3 8750 or better
Memory: 2GB
Graphics: Shader 3.0 or better 256MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600GT / ATI Radeon® X1950Pro or better
DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c
Hard Drive: 12GB

Do a Check whether the game will work on your PC or not
Check the games requirement by this SITE

- Unrar
- open part1 (executable file) as Administrator ,
- choose location
- click install
- wait until is done
- Install repzOps v_1 patch
- play game from desktop shortcut.

To Play Online:
- After install patch in your game folder is done: open file "create-repzOps-account" from game folder and register an account
- Open game and login with your created data.
- Play game online.


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